Saturday, 30 April 2011

The Lion of Asgard - Volstagg the Voluminous

I've spent a little time this week creating a scratch built figure of Volstagg.
I wanted him to be slightly taller than Thor but no where near the size of Blob.

He's depicted holding a roasted leg of meat spilling a flaggon of ale.

Here are some images: -

Best regards



  1. Superb work DP, dare i ask who's leg is the big guy chomping on :). Very nice, Is that your handywork in the background? You talented little killing machine you.

  2. Looks great, DP. Just makes me more upset Eaglemoss chooses to give us the likes of Silver Sable and Omega Red instead of the Warriors Three.

  3. I wholeheartedly agree Robert.... to the warriors 3.

    Oh and yes Ted I also Paint in oil and acrylics.

    But I see that you too have creative inclinations... your mosaics are excellent and quite lucrative too.

  4. Ted, Robert - I can vouch by first encounter of DP's skill as many years ago he painted an elf for me, the workmanship of which is still outstanding ! Volstagg is indeed a testimony to his burgeoning skills - however, i wonder, if this is in fact a deflection? DP's 'comings and goings'to various theatres of political unrest are noted,and the launch of Volstagg coincides with the unrest in Libya not to mention the demise of Bin Laden!
    I give you the facts - Deadpool is a member of DEVGRU !!

  5. Astonishing work, Deadpool.

  6. Excellent stuff DP!!!!
    Still love your Bucky Cap and Cap Britain figs the best though...although come to think of it, that Shi is pretty astounding too!
